The sea not realy "nostrum" of European projects
I am an atypical Italian probably because at 22 I really wanted to get on a plane and move out, escape from my family and comfort. I still pay for this, even after 30 years because I am no longer fish or fowl or perhaps both or even an incomprehensible mush. I have now spent more than half my life in Romania and when I partially tried to return, let's say I was not welcome. I will no longer bore you with the story of my life but I am no longer completely Italian or at least in Italy I am not perceived that way, I am certainly Romanian. However, I feel European, also going against the current here, because the decisions of the European government are sometimes rightly interpreted very negatively, sometimes less so. How I feel is clearly independent of politics, I feel European especially when I compare myself with other European realities, working in European projects I often happen to be in a video conference with different people, from the Lithuanian with the unrememberable name and dubious pronunciation, to the French wrapped up inside the house with a scarf. I'm not saying that I feel the same as them in every way, I would say no, I dream of "carbonara" and ice cream and they have no idea and don't want to know what they eat, maybe yes but out of curiosity but I wouldn't eat it long. However, I say that being European is not bad at all and you meet people who want to create beautiful things, put it that way it seems simplistic but I couldn't explain it too differently. What unites us beyond a few values here and there, I hope, are the European collaboration projects. Those projects that have the aim of uniting and I am thinking of Interreg, Crea Cult and Horizon Europe, which are seen as strange things in Italy, the public administrations either don't know them or are often too disorganized to be able to prepare them but above all they are too closed in themselves. In fact, one of the key principles is to open up to others, create networks (you often have to be from 6 or 7 different countries to be able to present a project), speak English at least, have ideas and get involved a little. Do you know the countries that have organized themselves more than others to obtain them? Two completely different countries, Greece and Hungary. Two countries that have little in common I would say but both European and both in proportion with a growth rate that is currently higher than ours, although we will never find a news program that tells us about it. It's about time we all woke up and opened up a little. I'm trying. I'll give you the link when you want you can contact me.