

When I was still very young and started working in IT, the world was changing, overwhelmed by the advent of the Internet. I don't know if the university students who casually invented it almost for fun had the slightest idea of ​​what they had done or were doing, I don't think so. Like all new things, the revolution was not immediate, only a few understood its potential, today it may seem like blasphemy but the greatest "player" of the time, a certain Bill, Bill Gates for everyone, didn't understand much about it. Netscape was used to navigate, Internet Explorer came much later and only because the evidence of such a revolutionary phenomenon could not be ignored and Bill realized that he was missing the business train that was distorting known reality. It was fortunate that the dominance it had at the level of operating systems, a semi-monopoly that the barely manageable and portable Unix could not counteract on a global level, helped it significantly to make up for a gap and a delay that seemed irrecoverable. The search engines themselves were something absolutely primitive. You could choose 4 or 5 including Netfinder but the best was certainly Yahoo. Google entered slowly, slowly but forcefully, we woke up one day, no one knows why and without realizing it Google dominated without competition. The strategies adopted and the technologies were clearly the best.

The development software world was trying to understand, here too Bill took a long time, he had a good part of the market with his Visual Basic but it wasn't portable, he neglected the web, only much later did he develop the .NET version but he was already out of time maximum, new barbarians were arriving. They were somewhat strange barbarians, children of the old C++, who presented themselves as a coffee, the famous Java Beans, perhaps to make it seem as easy as drinking a glass of coffee. In reality it was not easy to program in Java, compared to Visul Basic, it was a mountain to climb, this was the main problem, you had to be good and competent. Perhaps few will remember it but at the time, to overcome these problems, many developer houses proposed the CORBA protocol which was not the Cobra of an old and somewhat mediocre Stallone film, but the solution that should have brought equality to the world of developers on the web. Nisba, it didn't take root. Indonesian coffee would have won because it was simply the best product technologically.

Where are we today? From my point of view it's simple, there is no real alternative to Open Source, to freedom. The presumed monopolies of big brands such as Microsoft and Oracle, very strong on a commercial level, will slowly be overcome by open source products, which are much more economically accessible, the economic crisis could accelerate everything, and will finally mature in terms of performance too. Public administrations are realizing this and on a global level the transition is already taking place, in Italy we are always a little late, but slavery is bad for us too. The Open Source Spartacus is coming and this time history could change, in the end the rebel slave can win. I believe it, even in this case, we are ready, .